Elementor #3344

“Refulgent colours of life, both sorrow and happiness.”— Anindita Sahoo, Professor About the film  ABOUT THE FILM PRESS EDUCATIONAL CONTACT “First-ever documentary film in the spoken tongue of northern region of Odisha—Baleswari.”This...
The Volunteer Archivists—2022 Documentary

The Volunteer Archivists—2022 Documentary

Collective negligence is threatening two centuries of printed publications in Odia, one of India’s official languages. Volunteer archivists struggle against all odds, including legal battles, to digitalize crumbling books.
Nani Ma—2022 Documentary

Nani Ma—2022 Documentary

The manmade 1866 famine of Orissa in eastern India killed a million people and gravely inspired the oral literature of the survivors. Two generations later, ninety-five-year-old Musamoni Panigrahi must share her songs and stories before forgetting them and before she is gone.

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OpenSpeaksbefore <> Indigenous, endangered and a range of other languages lack human, tech, funding and other resources that hinder the language sustenance. Context Surveys and many other forms of engagements have helped us learn more about the challenges of...